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SIT Theatre is newly minted CCA that was conceptualised in early 2018. With a focus for the community, the club
aims to innovate original theatre productions that aim to challenge, question and inspire.

With the community asthe focal point it aims to give a voice to the voiceless.

SIT Theatre Committee Members

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Cecilia, President

Theatre is a space where you can fully express yourself without the fear of judgement. It is where you can be who you want to be and learn more about yourself. It is a platform to discuss and start difficult conversations. We are theatre with a heart. I always enjoyed acting, and find myself more empathetic after portraying many different roles. It broadened my thinking on various subjects and forced me to think from a perspective that I don’t usually think in. I believe that theatre is a great platform to build confidence as well as destress from our hectic lifestyle. A safe space for us to be ourselves, to step back from academics and immerse ourselves into our passion in theatre.

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Poorathy, Vice President

Theatre is a safe space for many and a welcome respite of the busy pace of everyday life. In this day and age where television based movies and shows are a plenty and so easily accessed, theatre stands out by creating a unique bond with the audience. The atmosphere created by the sets and mood tone weaved by the actors is definitely a special experience. The questions and topics posed by an act will leave lingering traces long after the show. Always impacting in some way. It's this reason why I've always been attracted to and intrigued by the magic of theatre. Be it on stage or off stage, theatre has taught me many lessons to treasure and I hope to spread the same lessons and joy through SIT Theatre.

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Ai Wen, Secretary

Theatre has allowed me to voice out topics which are usually kept quiet. It makes me question why and learn more about peoples' experiences from their various walks of life. Theatre should disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed. My hope is that we as a club would be able to break the silence and provide a voice for the silent.

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